Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What a Week...

Well, it finally happened. We had to take the SUV in and put the repair on a credit card. ;_; Nooooooooooooooooooooooo.... It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be at $107. Argh. I was going to borrow from my parents (which I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE to do) but they have enough going on right now and it already looks like we'll have to borrow to bridge the gap between Billy's last paycheck with the old company and the first paycheck with the new company. *sigh* Bleh. I despise not having an emergency fund anymore. Yes, we used the emergecy fund for an emergency but it never got rebuilt. That sucks.
Anyway, that was Thursday. Since then we have:

Eaten out WAY too much (about $50 worth)
Almost had to pay late fees on the movies we rented for free from Redbox (we got them back with three minutes to spare)
Forgotten about the registration renewal for the SUV and had to spend $58 today that we didn't have
Received another ugly chunk of hospital bills (I seriously need to sit down and get them all organized. The three we have been paying on were kinda easy to keep track of but now they're getting out of control. That's one of my #1 priorities for tomorrow.)
That was the bad stuff. Now for the good:
We started going through the garage. YAY! We made HUGE leaps in the declutter area and now have a nice chunk of sell items for the garage sale. I'd say we're about half way through the STUFF.
Sold a shirt on eBay. I didn't make a ton off of it but a little is better than nothing and having it out of the house is wonderful.
Got a bunch of free formula! Raley's was clearing out some for $5.74. I found a coupon in the free coupon box at the library for $5 that brand... 74 cents spent rocks for formula. Then yesterday, I got a sample canister from Enfamil and a day's worth sample packet from Parent's Choice. Bee is old enough now that her tummy can handle the different formulas as long as it is mixed with a majority of her Similac. Unfortunately, we're almost out of Similac. >_<
Ultimately, right now I'm dealing with one of the things I hate most ~ Not having enough for essentials. I miss the days when this was not an issue. I used to think I was an amazing financial guru... I didn't know anything back then. Now I know so much more. I think our whole situation would be different if I could tell that newlywed girl the secrets and hacks I know now about couponing and rebates and freebies and all that jazz. Alas, I'm still making mistakes left and right but at least we're slowly getting on the right track. In the mean time, I have $10 to buy contact lens solution, dog food and formula. I have no clue how I'm going to pull this off.

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