Wednesday, April 8, 2009

No Better, No Worse

This week has brought new stresses but nothing too bad hopefully. Billy is leaving his job to take a new position in the family business. I'm wary of putting my family back together in the business world yet again but his current position is eating him alive. It potentially could pay more but it could potentially pay less as well. So we'll see. *sigh*
Billy is learning reluctantly to stop pestering me about his "needs" that are really "wants". Yes, I too WANT new couches but there's just no way. Unfortunately, after three and a half months of not using credit cards, I'm starting to worry that we will actually have to put some genuine needs on what little credit we have left. We rearranged our livng room to make more space for Baby Bee and she took that as her cue to truly learn to crawl. I thought for sure she was going to skip crawling and just want to walk which would require us as balance for another month at least. But no, she's officially mobile now. So somehow we have to come up with the scratch to buy babyproofing paraphenalia. Just the baby gates alone will put us back quite a bit. I've been looking on craigslist to no avail. Also, we still desperately need to get our SUV looked at as it's overheating every time it's driven. If we don't get it taken care of soon, it will become an even bigger problem... I don't know what to do.
Well, we didn't add to cards but we could only pay the minimums for the most part yet again. Any extra little bits get put on Priority #1 Card, the American Express. We barely paid off anything this month. And the medical bills are becoming more and more of nightmare. Tomorrow, I have to call the devil's insurance for the umpteenth time about Billy's ER visit from last July. Pain in the butt. I'm getting ridiculously good at it though. Grrr. I'm debating about calling Countrywide about the whole "Making Home Affordable" movement that's going into effect as of late. I'm wondering if it will be better to bide my time until it gets more established. Either way I have to call them about getting proof that we paid off our Fernley mortgage so I can try to get a refund from HUD.
Enough about money, As an aside, we're also digging out of our horrendous stash of clutter. I guess you could look at it like our debt. We got into that mess and this mess because of medical emergencies hitting us left and right for the last two years. Last Wednesday, I shredded a medium size box of papers from 2006 and 2007. Which means they've moved with us TWICE. How horrible is that? Yesterday, I took a big box of magazines dating back to 2007 to the library. I refuse to get stuck under that pile again. It felt really good to get a whole box of clutter out of my house. it also felt great to rearange to living room and completely ditch our coffee table, forcing us to go through mail, take dishes to the sink, clean up our mess!! Tomorrow, my goal is to start the immense purging of our closet. Billy is a clothes freak - if it's on sale and it's his size it comes home. I know for a fact that's at least five shirts hanging in the closet taking up valuable real estate in our tiny closet that he hasn't worn in over a year if not longer. We also have souvenirs from our anniversary trip a year and half ago that are in boxes and bags that have never been opened. It's a travesty since they just barely got paid off. I don't even think they've been paid off in their entirety. Bleh, we are sick sick people. What a hole we've dug.
To round out my thoughts about clutter I leave with this: It takes just as long to put something in the wrong place as it does to put it in the right place. I read this recently and didn't think much of it until today when I found that Kevin took a paper plate that needed to be thrown away from breakfast past the trash can and into the kitchen which he proceeded to place on the counter. It would've taken less time just to throw it away! So yes. As soon as I find the right place for everything and ditch all our junk, it will indeed be easier to put everything in it's place.

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