Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Meandering Mind

I was up late with the Bee last night and random thoughts kept passing through my head. Here they are:

Diapers.com: What's the big deal? In my PF blog perusals, I always come across shopping at diapers.com to save money on baby items. I've looked over and over and I just don't see the appeal. Am I missing something? Is there a special secret price list somewhere for frugal baby stuff shoppers that I just can't see? Honestly, the prices are just not that amazing. I can do better at Walmart even without a coupon. I can do amazingly better at Walgreens when they have a sale and I pull out the big guns of Walgreens hacks.

Penny-wise Pound-foolish: I was reading an old post on Shtinkycat about saving money in the short term while risking long term expenses far higher than the original expense would have been. After reading this I felt really bad about not getting ye olde SUV looked at. Honestly, I have no idea where the money is going to come from to fix it but how will I feel when it dies completely and we're stuck without it? I think I'm finally breaking my pride down enough to call on the Bank of M&D aka a parental loan. I hate hate hate to do that but we just can't have a vehicle out of commission.

That's pretty much it for now I guess. I desperately need a nap and Bee is sleeping right now so I'm going to try and sneak in a quickie Mommy snooze. *yawn*

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