Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Summer. So far.

I've been thinking lately that I am a la-ay-ay-ay-ZEE mom. It's true. I suck. And the kiddo is FOUR. Being a stay-at-home mama is the job I've held the longest. EVER. And I've never embraced it properly or figured out what I'm doing. I just fall through the day willy-nilly like I'm not responsible for a HUMAN BEING. What the what? So, there it is. Anyway, I'm not getting better by leaps and bounds but I've decided to document the summer for all it is in hopes that I can find my motherly self in the mix. And it's the last summer where we don't have to think about school and big kid things like that and the first summer where she seems like a real live kid, not a baby. Not a toddler. A kid. And so. June. According to Phineas and Ferb, there is 104 days of summer vacation. I don't catch what days that's including. To me summer is June 1-August 31. 92 days. And how. And so I document them for what they are.