Friday, April 24, 2009


In addition to the clutter and financial goals I posted yesterday, you may have noticed the weight loss ticker as well. I suppose if I'm going to have the ticker, I might as well make it an official goal. Right now, I think it will have to go in phases. Ultimately, I woud like to lose 30-35 pounds total. In the mean time, I just want to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight as it has already been almost a year. I lost it all right away as is usually the case with an abdominal surgery. Then it just pops back up. Not all. I gained 23 pounds total and lost about half. So yeah. I'm going to put that goal as:

Lose the Baby Weight aka Lose 12 Pounds ~ August 18
I'm putting it on Hubby's birthday so I can't forget the date. It's also right around my next doctor visit cuz I really don't want a speech about weight. ^_^ I haven't really decided what path I want to take to drop the weight... We'll see.

Also, as far as financial goals go, it's easy to look at the whole figure and go WHOA that's a lot of money and not really think about where that money went. Paying off $25000 in credit card debt will be easier (I think/hope) if I can have mini-goals of what I'm actually paying off. So here's a really rudimentary (but generally accurate) breakdown of where it all came from...

$5000 = Medical Emergencies & Pre-Insurance Prenatal Care circa 2007
$5000 = Furnishing & Stocking New Home circa 2007
$5000 = Incidentals & Filling in the Gaps Between Paychecks circa 2007 & 2008
$5000 = Water Filtration System circa 2008
$5000 = Just Plain Stupidity circa 2007 & 2008

In addition to my other goals, I'll be keeping track of what I'm actually paying off. Right now, I'm working on the "Stupidity". That way, I can stop beating myself up about it. After that, I'm torn between paying off furnishing the house or the incidentals. Probably the incidentals cuz there's only so much longer I can stand paying interest on groceries and gas that are long long gone. *sigh* I know it's all really a mind game but it makes me feel better. I honestly think it will be a huge relief to say, "We paid off our stupidity!!! Unneccesary tchotskes and trinkets from that trip to Disney World? PAID OFF. That Bose surround sound system we really really didn't need? PAID OFF. All that random crap we'll be selling at the yard sale for pennies on the dollar? PAID OFF. That pointless maternity discount card that didn't do anything and I never cancelled and got charged for every month? PAID OFF." Not there yet, but when we are, mark my words, I'll be doing a great big happy dance! (That will also burn some calories... hee hee)

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