Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fabulous Failings!

This week has brought nothing but trouble. I completely miscalculated the amount I needed to set aside for health insurance and was left grasping at nothing when I had to come up with an extra $260. I went ahead and paid it since health insurance is on the top of the priority list as far as where our funds go. Unfortunately that meant dipping into the money set aside for our mortgage, another bill high on the priority list. We drained savings last week for groceries and granted, we did get a little too much take out. Baby Bee was in the ER last week with RSV and well... nothing else much mattered. All financial gumption goes out the window in an emergency.
I also got denied for unemployment since I can't seek a full time job right now. That is a load of BS. I also got denied cuz they didn't like my reason for quitting my last job. I think I could successfully appeal that one but there's just no way to have a full time job right now. There's no good daycare here (not like we could afford it anyway) and my only caregivers could be Nana or Mom both of whom have busy schedules themselves. It seems our only options are a part time job that's hours could piggyback Billy's off time and supplemented by my mom's off time or both of us getting decent paying part time jobs. Both options would be big fat juggling acts but I don't know how much longer we can make it on one income. Grrr. Also, Billy's car is mere days away from kicking the bucket. And Kevin can't find a job so he's depressed and that has Billy asking if we can help him out... Uh, no. We can barely help ourselves. He's living here rent free and we feed him. He's a HUGE help with the Bee and will do any household chore asked of him so I'm not really complaining there but we can't make his car payment or his phone bill. No can do. Not in the situation we're in. In the span of a week, two credit cards lowered our credit limit one for the second time. We're baby steps away from them shutting us off completely.
The only ups of this down week were the fact that Billy canceled a game reservation he had at Game Stop (that he made by trading in old games) and they gave him straight up cash. They weren't supposed to do that but thank God they did. We got $47 that bought dog food, cat food, formula, a little gas for ye' olde SUV and it mailed birthday presents for 2 nephews. Presents that I got for free at Walgreens ^_^! Woot! And the other up... is a pending up really. Billy got a letter from his dad's former employer informing us that he had a long lost retirement plan and pension sitting there. Nobody has a clue how much it's worth (probably far less that it was before now) but we might (and it's a big MIGHT) get a little bit of money that way. I'm not holding my breath but it could happen.
So pretty much it's just been freak out after freak out this week. Hopefully April will prove to be a fiscally happy month. Fingers... crossed... XXXX. Yah.

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