Wednesday, May 18, 2005

RetroPost: 5.18.05

{Saved from Xanga} I am frickin' EXHAUSTED!!! I don't know how I'm going to make it through this day... My eyes have that "Good God, take out your contacts and go to bed!" burning feeling and my head feels like it could slam against the counter at any moment. Not to mention my bra straps are too loose and so not even my boobies are happy. I can't stop yawning and strectching and slouching... I feel old today. Plus I'm super hungry and I'm craving Burger King for some reason. Blah! ! So, in other Thompson... oooh, I just had a weird moment where the fact that my last name is Thompson made me feel a little panicky. OK, I feel better... Sorta. Weird, huh? Anyway, Monday night I paid a plethera of bills. Usually I space them out evenly, but with the vacation there was a big, gooey wad of bills that needed to be mailed off all at the same time and it made me feel funny. I don't know what it was, exactly, but ever since then I've been dwelling on the fact that the jobs we have now will no way in hell keep us going. I'm not one for change when I get comfy in my life but I'm just really confused. We used to have extra money but the car payments and hospital payments have strangled every dime out of us. We're doing OK... Exceptional when you consider how we started the year, but we can't even take the animals to the vet for shots. Raven, Puka, AND Kero all need shots. There's just no frickin' way. The really sad thing is we both need to go to the dentist and the optometrist but there's just no way until something is paid off... And it seems like we'll never pay off the car! We got it only out of necessity since we were working in different towns then. Now we don't need the other car and it's broken and unsellable!!! God, if we could sell it we would be so much better off... But here we are, stuck with a dead car and the working car is pushing 130K miles and the driver side window won't go down. (Very embarrassing in drive-thrus, let me tell ya!) We keep on paying but it never seems to go down! The fact that it decided to need expensive repairs didn't help... such is life. In happier news, Billy's hospital bill from last February is finally paid off!!! Now all we have to do is chisel down my $850 mistake! Hurrah! Well, I think I'm done venting my money woes. Luvz! Jilli!

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