Sunday, May 31, 2009


I'm always kind of giddy when I get money that I didn't expect regardless of the amount. The last week has brought several "SURPRISE!" money moments:
First, Roomie's mail came and he had a points summary from a hotel chain. See, he and his ex used to do this long distance relationship thing where they would meet at a hotel halfway between them pretty much every weekend. Somehow he ended up with a points program and got a whole bunch of them. He pretty much didn't want to do anything with these points since they were associated with her and passed them onto US! Yay! I debated back and forth about what to do with the points. I was down to either $25 at Safeway for groceries or a $25 gas card to help with Hubby's new commute. After reading Shtinkykat's post about gas prices going up I decided on the gas card. I also used the leftover points after that for a pair of movie tickets so we can actually go see either Transformers or Harry Potter in a theater this summer instead of waiting to rent. Free date night - WOOT! That's a $19 value so... $44 total gained from Roomie's failed relationship. Horrible, yes. But at least somebody benefited from their trysts. >_<
The other windfall was in survey form. I must admit I am a survey FREAK. I will diligently give the survey sites my time for little pay... I think over the 5 years I've been doing surveys I've probably earned about $600 in cash, gift cards and product. Maybe more but definitely no less. This year so far I've made $98 to go to snowflakes. Anyway, I got picked for a survey that will net me $60 total! WAH! They sent $10 up front and I'll get the rest when I'm done doing my thing. I've found that now that I'm a SAHM I have more time to do the really nifty product tests and whatnot. Surveys rock my world. But since this payment is coming in Visa gift card form I'm debating about how to spend it. I've narrowed it down to a) gas, b) attempting to put it to medical bills or c) buying the supplies to make a birthday tee for the Bee. Not sure yet...
104 unexpected dollars... So happy!

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