Sunday, May 24, 2009

I Kinda Feel Like I'm Going to Yak

I'm one of those people that worries/gets nervous with my stomach. I hurled stomach acid pretty much every morning from junior high to graduation just cuz I would get so worked up about going to school. Even as an adult in the working world, if I knew I had a lot coming up that day... puke. When I get really worked up about where my life is going and how I'm just going to get through the day... yak. Yeah, you get the picture. So needless to say, my belly is pretty much churning everyday as I try to figure out where in the world the money is going to come from... *sigh*
Right now I'm seriously pacing the floor almost literally waiting for Billy's first paycheck to show up. He now gets paid on the 7th and 21st of every month which will be a whole new adventure considering our budget was based on every other Friday paychecks. Oh how I hate bimonthly paychecks!!! And I hate first paychecks at a new job. Either they're itty bitty or they're horribly delayed. So since we don't have direct deposit set up yet they mail a check to our HOUSE. ARGH! I'm freaking out. The 21st was Thursday and the check wasn't there Thursday or Friday or today and Monday is a holiday... Grrr. So what I'm really wondering is if it'll get pushed out to the 7th... Oh please dear God no. Freaking out. And because of this whole paycheck debacle, I totally spaced paying our car insurance and didn't realize it until I got a nasty "Letter of Cancellation" from the insurance company. So right then and there I had to pay May and June's insurance neither of which we had the money for. So I had to dip into mortgage money which is painful. ARRRRGH!
Also this month... I paid the Target credit card on the day it was due... but payments had already processed that day and I had to select the next day as the payment date. Thus, a late fee which gets lumped into the minimum payment. On top of that, the 0% balance transfer promo rate we had through both Bank of America cards is over... ;_; so the interest accurued shot through the roof and severely raised the minimum payments. I really really really really don't know what we're going to do.
Another thing I've been dwelling on lately (and I probably shouldn't be since there's nothing I can do about it now...) is that once all of this is paid off, we're just going to have to start all over again with Billy's student loans. He's in school right now and once he graduates, there's even more debt on our already overflowing plates. One of my biggest fears is that the credit card and medical debt will at one point overlap having to repay the student loans. He keeps talking about how he can accelerate his classes and graduate sooner and I'm like NOOOOOOO! OK, so ultimately it will save us money... Unless they end up deferred forever collecting interest.
Just since so much is going on and life is crazy nuts more so than ever, I don't think we're going to make the garage sale goal. BUT it's still high on my to do list. On my next "day off" I'm going to seriously get hardcore about craigslisting and eBaying just to hopefully get up to date on all the bills that are coming up. We're so far behind.

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