Friday, May 29, 2009

State of the Union

OK, here's where we are at the end of May goalwise:

Get the SUV In Tip-Top Shape in Case We Need to Sell it ~ May 16
Well, we did get it to the shop. It's now fixed but another $107 was plopped onto a credit card. ;_; The clothes still sit in the back but I'm hoping to drop them off soon. Now all we have to do is replace the fabric on the console and it's mission accomplished albeit a little late.

Dig Out of the Clutter and Hold a Garage Sale ~ June 13
Ugh. We got a great start on this one and then... well May was pretty nuts. Billy started a new job and went on a business trip for a week... Also, I completely forgot my parents are going to Europe near the end of June and I doubt they'll have time to help me out. Hubby works Saturdays now and I'm so not running a garage sale by myself. So it's still a goal but I don't see it happening by the 13th.

Get Under $20,000 in Debt by 25 ~ July 27
Another Ugh. I'm still holding out that I can pull this off... Our "snowflake" situation is still grim. I have $28 in survey snowflakes coming my way but that will have to go to all the bills we're about to be behind on. A few unforeseen expenses along with a complete inundation of medical bills is really taking its toll. And I should specify that I mean under $20000 in credit card debt not debt overall. Still, I'm crossing my fingers. Unfortunately, the neccessary expenses I saw coming did indeed have to be put on a credit card - the SUV repair and the baby gates. That put us $248 behind. Yuck!!

Lose the Baby Weight aka Lose 12 Pounds ~ August 18
I actually just started working on my eating habits this week. The scale hasn't gone anywhere but I haven't put THAT much effort in yet. We'll see.

Pay Off the American Express Card Before They Shut it Off ~ September 30
Steadily dropping but the lack of snowflaking to this cause is taking a toll. *sigh* Once paydays are regular again hopefully we won't be scraping by as badly. Here's hoping.

Pay Off the Current Medical Debt ~ December 4
This category is NOT steadily dropping but steadily increasing... The bills just keep rolling in! At this point, we're really trapped in a corner when it comes to payment plans. The hospital billing department isn't exactly easy to work with... They'll only divide certain amounts over a certain number of months and don't take into account anything else. I told one of the people that I just couldn't swing the $123 they wanted me to pay and she actually gave me the "advice" to "just pay what I could until they turned me over to collections" then the collection agency would give me longer to pay back. Seriously??? This is just so ugly.

Get $500 in an Emergency Account ~ December 31
I did set up an automatic transfer for a "dental" fund which in essence will also be an EF as well since I won't be making any plans for us to go to the dentist until all debts are paid off. At that rate including the $25 I've already saved we'll be at $165. Yeah, this needs some work...

Get Credit Score up to the Median ~ ???
Every bit I pay back helps!!! After the AmEx is paid off, my next goal will be to pay off the water filtration system we bought last year. We opened a credit card account through the filtration company and lo' and behold that credit card doesn't exist now!! So we have a glaring $3600 outstanding on a closed account. I figure once that's paid off, our credit scores will definitely benefit.

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