Monday, February 28, 2005

RetroPost: 2.28.05

{Saved from Xanga} I am feeling decidedly sick to my stomach. If one more thing piles on top of us, I'm going to explode. PLEASE DEAR GOD! Missy broke up with Noah for who the hell knows why!!! She can be the stupidest person in the world. Our weekend fucked up everything. It was one huge shitty misunderstanding where nothing went right. Today has been just that much happier... Son of a bitch. The alarm was set but either it didn't go off (which I doubt) or I just slept through it (which is probably the case but I don't see how I did it). Then I forgot my purse thus I don't have my work keys and when I got here, neither did Faith but we were laughing about it saying how bad of a Monday it's going to be... Then she left because she said she just threw up in the bathroom. Which is when Billy called and said Missy and Noah were having problems but we would talk about it later. Noah was so upset he was puking and went home from work so Billy was alone at the kiosk and I was being the lone teller here pretty much since Jenn is about as useful as a rock. A very annoying rock. So everyone is feeling disgusting with the breakup thing. Totally disgusting. Then, Billy gets a call that our stupid dogs are out again and this time they didn't find someone nice. They found a bitch that was going to call the pound. Goddammit can nothing go right?!? There goes a great couples friendship that I was thriving off of. There goes more money that we really don't have- The gas it takes to Fernley and back again, the loss of pay for Billy leaving work again, buying something else to try to keep them in. We were going to go to Carson after work to see if Billy could join Kim's dad's tae kwon do class....... I have no idea where that money is going to come from. If just one thing would go away, we would be OK... Help. Please.

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