Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Quest for Zen

This blog is titled "Desperately Seeking SereniDy". Even with the "misspelling", it's a double entendre. Serenidy is the girl that started out on the journey of adulthood and has gotten a little lost along the way. Serenity is what I'm looking for, really. A peace within myself to just live my life. Zen, if you will.
I have some zen examples...
* Even after all I said about cut flowers after working at the florist and even though I usually don't have much peace when they're in the house cuz the "tiddies" mutilate them and knock them over and make a general flowery mess, I love cut flowers. Billy got me a purple tulip/white daisy bouquet on Mother's Day. My two faves!! (I love all tulips actually, the purple was just gravy)Yesterday, I split up the bouquet and put them in different rooms. They make me smile every time I see them! They make the rooms ZEN. I was even inspired to clean the rooms around the flowers, just so they would look prettier. What's a glass filled with purple tulips on the bar, when the bar is covered in crap? Exactly. Boo-yah!
* New undies. I adore new undies. Cute new undies preferably boyshorts and hipsters. NO THONGS EVER. This week, I've been going through my new undies. I haven't bought new undies in TWO years and those undies sucked. I still have them and they're all stretched out and argh. Zen is new undies.
* Reading. I've been busting through books lately, old and new. I've kinda forgotten in the last few years how much I ADORE reading. I've read 11 almost 12 books so far this year. Is that a lot or not? I don't know. Either way, I just can't stop. I have kind of a geeky goal to read 100 books this year. I'm way behind but it doesn't really matter. I just love to read. Really the goal is to ReRead all my favorites.

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