Friday, September 9, 2005

RetroPost: 9.9.05

{Saved from Xanga} In the thread of one of my favorite Nest blogs, here is the Jill Thompson version of Random Thought Friday. * Seeing the shiny diamond in a box that Noah had yesterday made me feel tickly. He didn't say anything but I can only assume. I wonder how Missy will react to this. I don't really know her much anymore and I'm hoping to fix that when we move. * In the same vein, hearing about them going to Disneyland at Christmas gave me a feeling I've only felt a few times- neutral jealousy. At first I was jealous (a regular Jill feeling) and it was nearly instantly snuffed. I don't know when Noah plans to do what he's gonna do, but I'm hoping it's in Disneyland at Christmas. Missy deserves a romantic story. * In relation to Disney... I really want to go to Disney World with Billy before we decide to have a baby. It's been nearly eight years since I went and I'd really like to go again. I'm seeing that as a family trip... with the whole "can't-rent-a-car-reasonably-until-you're-25" thing. At the same time, I would really like to go on a trip with just my husband, something we haven't done since our honeymoon. I'll have 5 leave days saved up by December. Maybe I should take a few and run for the hills with my love. * Speaking of family, my parents are driving me nuts with their technique of getting us moved. Hopefully, I can get my mom to stay in Fallon and work on our "apartment" for when we're staying with them. Being around them so much has made me feel like a teenager trying to escape. Which makes me ill-at-ease since I'm a married adult... * I'm eating whatever I want until we move and I'm getting kind of sick of all this junk. Give me a salad and some iced tea! I guess that was the point. Getting all my junky tendencies out of my system. Yucky. *This font is "Batang". I decided on it because it reminded me of a dog my grandma had when I was younger that my uncle had named Joeboo Busstop Fatang Fatang Ole Biscuit Barrel. I miss that dog and I miss my uncle. And my aunt. Never work with family. It turns out badly. Well, I think I'm done for today. It turned out more like Crazy Tangent Friday but that works too.

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