Wednesday, August 24, 2005

RetroPost: 8.24.05

{Saved from Xanga} I feel really embarrassed that I'm STILL obsessing about the COMPLETELY FAKE MADE UP Ash thing. I shouldn't feel this way... This is the weirdest thing I have ever felt and I've had some pretty f*cked up emotions in my day. I know I shouldn't feel embarrassed about writing out these crazy thoughts since no one else can read this blog, but I can't help myself from feeling like a freak. If I write it out, it'll make it a honest-to-god psychological problem... I kind of brought it up to Billy today... leaving out the part about lusting after an NPC.... which, of course, is the part that worries me the most... FREAK!!! Anyways, IN THE REAL WORLD, I'm hoping Billy decided to cut his last Tae Kwon Do class and go back to school shopping in Reno tonight. That would excite me. It'll be weird cuz for the first time ever in our whole married life we'll be putting stuff mainly on credit cards. That makes me feel woogy. I'm going to try to get an Old Navy card today. I assume I'll get it but if not we'll be spending some out of our exploding car money which is supposed to be going to our old house renovations. How very responsible!!! We're still young..... we get to be pathetically irresponsible sometimes. Huzzah! Plus, it'll be fun as hell to hang out like dating kids for an evening. It's weird that Billy randomly decided to go to college but I think it'll be awesome in the long run. I've decided that if he likes it and is going back next semester, I'll go too. I have a lot of credits already, oddly enough, so maybe I'll get a degree just to show that I can be smart sometimes... Woot!

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