Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Our goals were starting to look so sparkly and attainable. Then we got the letter today that told us that our request for financial aid through the hospital was denied. Bee's ER visit in March is going to set us back another $1900. Just when I had everything under control. Everything was going to be paid off by December. A moment of silence as that dream flies away..............
Crap. Now I have to rework everything. Again. And delay credit card smackdown. Again. Gah.
In light of this defeat, we went to the store tonight and blew our grocery budget out of the water. Again. If there's one thing I don't have a proper handle on, it's the grocery budget. I think I just feel like I'm so busy with all the other budgeting that I don't have time to make a real grocery budget. Or that I'll just get to it later. This is becoming an issue.
In other news, I beat down the laundry beast in less than a week. Squee! On my list of things that I can't get a handle on, laundry was far above the grocery budget until this week. I would say we have been drowning in laundry pretty much since we lived in our tiny studio apartment. I can honestly say we have never had all the laundry done and put away EVER. Until now. The pride level for this accomplishment is sky high. I vow to never EVEREVER let this happen again. Six years of laundry pain is more than enough. And I did this all with a toddler attached to my leg, during kickoff weekend and spending a whole day cleaning the garage!
Ah, the garage. One goal will finally be realized on Saturday when we have our garage sale! Yeah! I am optimistic that this garage sale will get us on the right track to being caught up with our bills. I'll be sorting and pricing tomorrow. I can't wait until it's finally done.
I think I need to reevaluate our goals again. In the style of Sick of Being Poor, here's a progress report:
Dig Out of the Clutter and Hold a Garage Sale - Adequate progress
Oh, we've been digging digging digging like crazy. This goal will be mastered by Saturday
Get Under $20,000 in Debt by 25 - Failed
We got way off track due to medical bills. They just keep coming!!! But our debt is lower than when we started so it's not a total fail.
Pay Off the American Express Card Before They Shut it Off - Minimal Progress
We will be paying this off first like originally planned. If they shut it off... oh well. There's another card that's already closed with a much higher balance that needs attention first. And a whole bunch of other cards have raised our interest rate and/or lowered our limits.
Pay Off the Current Medical Debt - Adequate Progress
The goal was really to pay off Bee's birth before she was 18 months. This will be mastered by December as planned. Unfortunately, there's more bills now. ;_;
Get the SUV in Tip-Top Shape in Case We Need to Sell it - Minimal Progress
We did get work done on it but I don't think we'll be selling the SUV any time soon. Either way, we need to get it in and take care of the recall that's on it. Stat.
Get $500 in an Emergency Account - Minimal Progress
While I'm not saving a ton, I am saving some. Not enough to reach my goal by the end of the year, tho'. I will try to step this up.
Get Credit Score up to the Median ~ ???
I'm not even going to bother paying for my scores until I've paid off our closed card. Then I'll check.
Get Back to Pre-Pregnancy Weight - Failed
I haven't done a darn thing about it yet. This goal is so on the back burner right now. It shouldn't be, but it is.

All right. I need to create a new goal list. ^_^

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