Sunday, June 28, 2009


I am totally chagrined at how dependent I have become on my parents. They are our only child care providers. I see them almost every day. My mom is easily my best friend. I suppose that is not really a bad thing. Except...
They're going to Europe for two and a half weeks starting Monday! *internal scream*

Oh. My. God. What are we going to do without them? They're not even gone yet and I'm counting the days until they get back. Ergh. I cannot believe myself. I'm a big girl but I need my mommy. And the Bee adores them.
The only bonus to this is that I'll be helping to keep their business afloat while they're away so I get to make a little cash to help pay down the "payday loan" we borrowed from them during the Great Paycheck Drought.

In other news, I actually pulled my head out of the sand and really (I mean REALLY) looked at our monthly expenses. It wasn't pretty. Honestly, I shocked we've made it this far through the year. As of this moment, we are $1882 behind. This includes $600 for the mortgage, $450 in outstanding commute expenses and $850 from the "payday loan" minus $18 from surveys and a craigslist sale. The $450 in commute expenses suck the most since Billy's employer is comping his commute for 3 months but so far we've only rotated that money into debt. Gah.

Well, there we are. No better. No worse. The only upside to looking at our finances that way was the realization that if we can keep it up, our medical debt will be GONE in no more that 8 months!! Hurrah! Unless of course we get saddled with having to pay the newest $1900 from Bee's RSV incident. I'm applying for financial aid but I don't have too much optimism there - They only look at your income and not your debts or expenses. Yeah, we could afford to pay that bill back- if we had no other debt. Now I just have to turn it in and cross my fingers.

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