Wednesday, October 26, 2005

RetroPost: 10.26.05

{Saved from Xanga} Being the ghost blogger and blog reader that I am, I come across really entertaining stuff from time to time. The "What Do You Need?" Game really got me laughing. You go into Google and put in "Your Name needs" and see what ya get. I was amused with mine: 1. Jill needs a firm hand and to be called on her BS. Yes, probably. 2. Jill needs to be careful about keeping her new record company happy. Nah, the greedy bastards. 3. Jill needs Jack. Ha ha. Not funny. 4. Jill needs $4000. That would be exceptionally nice! 5. Jill needs answers. Sure... 6. Jill needs a tan. Oh the deli! 7. Jill needs to wake up and smell the emotional abuse. How sad for me! Who's abusing me?!? 8. Jill needs a life. Ah, yes. I know. 9. Jill needs the specifics when this happens. What's happening? 10. Jill needs to build up a sense of self-esteem, not just because of what she knows but because of who she is. Awww, thanks! 11. Jill needs to keep her trap shut about things she knows NOTHING about and just stick to hawking her products. F you, too! 12. Jill needs our help. Please. I really do. 13. Jill needs to decide how much she enjoys that new car smell. Quite a bit, actually. OK. That's enough for me today. Luvs! Jill OK, I know I said enough for today but everbody else is doing it.... So... What Billy Needs: 1. Billy needs your lobes. OOOOkay... 2. Billy needs prayers. As does everybody. 3. Billy needs help. His have been very to the point, oui? 4. Billy needs you to share your talent and wisdom with everyone! Why he needs that, I don't know. 5. Billy needs to play. 'Tis true, or he gets grumpy. 6. Billy needs to be told off or have something explained to him. Well, he can get self-exultant sometimes. 7. Billy needs me. Of course he does! 8. Billy needs a lawyer! I don't want to know... 9. Billy needs his boots. I hope that means we're going snow-whompin'. 10. Billy needs to access a folder called "Documents". Whatever.... What My Alter Ego, Serenidy, Needs: (for searching purposes it had to be Serenity) 1. Serenidy needs a box office boost!! I don't want to be a flop! 2. Serenidy needs more time. Rush her and she'll kick ya in the nuts. 3. Serenidy needs your help. To conquer the evils of a role play world! 4. Serenidy needs no lessons in anything related to the realm of the erotic. Oooh, baby. 5. Serenidy needs a blimp. How handy would that be?!? 6. Serenidy needs a more artistic edge. Yeah, I can be a bit brash. That might soften me a bit. 7. Serenidy needs a drummer! They could play my theme music! 8. Serenidy needs surgery to fix her hip. I must've kicked them awful hard. 9. Serenidy needs all of us together. OK. That'd be fun. 10. Serenidy needs to make $80mil? OH THE DELI YAH! WOOT! OK, I'm for real done now. Too much work. Hee

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