Thursday, January 27, 2005

RetroPost: 1.27.05

{Saved from Xanga} Everything seems to be falling apart... no, no. Actually, it's more like everything is barely staying together. For some reason, we have no money. We are, a Billy says, po' because we had to sell the o and the r for groceries. So, it's not a bad as all that but we have to stay on a very tight budget and he really really doesn't like that at all. Unfortunately, I've always indulged us... and even though we don't have any extra money, we're still semi indulgent. This week has been a bust. Billy is sick. Again. He's aggrevated beyond reason with working for my parents. Understandably. We had a great weekend together but it kind of killed our beautiful house and the dishes are piling up and our living room is a mess. Not a disaster area though! I've been so exhausted this week and trying to take care of Billy and eating like a freaking piggy... We're doing better today. It's just been hellacious. No clean clothes. We've eaten out every night this week which is killer on our money situation. God, I hope once we dig ourselves out of this, it never happens again. We've set ourselves up for this fall since September. We went on vacation without backup... I got really sick in October thus upping our painful hospital bill... December brought Christmas... Don't get me wrong I love Christmas but I'm planning way better this year so we aren't shopping for our whole gaggle in one month. That screws you over quickly. Then, when January started we became Lord and Lady Bountiful for about 2 seconds and BAM! Po' again. So here I am, trying to dig us out... and everything is piling on top.... AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH *Jilli*

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