Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My December

Oh, December. The end of the year? Really? Holy cow.
We are in such a different place than we were at this time last year. We are completely out of credit card debt. Hell. Yes. The absolute pride I feel in that accomplishment is unbelievable. After finishing that monumental goal a full four months early, we have given ourselves some reprieve from the snowball. The reprieve ends in T-minus 6 days and counting. Billy's school loans are out of grace officially on the 7th. But oh what a wonderful time it's been, actually being able to do happier things with our money! For our anniversary we bought a new living room set (couch, entertainment center, rug, curtains) since all of our stuff was completely dilapidated. Then, our dryer completely died. We've been keeping it alive but this time it really bit it. I trolled Craigslist, trying to find something that would work. A couple popped up but then it just didn't happen. Good thing too since Billy & Kevin gave Black Friday a whipping and got me a brand new set of Kenmore front loaders at Sears for $600. SQUEE!!! Plus, Billy got his Kitchenaid and I got a sewing machine. We've set aside money for trips, Christmas, Keiren, emergencies, started the "navel" fund so I can get my belly button back... All of this in CASH CASH CASH! Never again credit cards! Mwah ha ha ha! Take that!!!
Phew. Now it's back to the snowball, in force. The new plan is to continue to attack the second mortgage, while attempting to refinace. If both mortgages can be lumped into one at a much lower interest rate, the snowball will shift to attacking the student loans. I'm going to play the next couple months by ear since Billy's changed jobs again and our income will be varied depending on commissions... Again. Suck. His last job was a crazy ride. Now we have to live like normal people again.
In conjunction with that, I'm still getting used to him being home all the time. 99% of the time, it's frickin' awesome. But sometimes I'm like, "Don't you need to go somewhere?!?"
In other news, I'm really getting the hang of just being MOM and everything that goes with it. I really think I can stick with it this time. The house has been "together" for a full two weeks now and getting better all the time. I almost feel completely moved in. I can do it this time. I know I can. I just have a few kinks to work out and it will all come together.

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